Reversal of alimony payments in Florida | Appeals Court

It is important to understand alimony in Florida and Florida Alimony laws when considering appealing a Judges ruling in Florida divorce case. Get educated.


When is a Florida divorce court judge’s alimony award excessive to the point of requiring reversal?

This is an area where divorce court judges have a great deal of discretion.  Section 61.08 (9), Florida Statutes, has a limitation stating that the “award of alimony may not leave the payor with significantly less net income than the net income of the recipient unless there are written findings of exceptional circumstances”.

Otherwise, the amount of an alimony award should be considered excessive to the point of requiring reversal if the alimony awarded (1) clearly exceeds the “needs” of the alimony recipient or (2) clearly exceeds the “ability to pay” of the person ordered to pay alimony

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