What is a motion for reconsideration in Florida? | Divorce Appeals

Motion for reconsideration is basically the same thing as a petition for rehearing, however there is an exception. Get more information at our website.

 What is a motion for reconsideration in Florida?

A motion for reconsideration is basically the same thing as a petition for rehearing, except the purpose is to get a Florida divorce court judge to change their decision made in a non-final order.  A motion for reconsideration is in part, a way to (politely) tell the divorce court judge “you messed up- please fix your non-final decision now”.

Unlike final orders, a non-final order can be changed by the trial court at any time prior to entry of a final order.  As a result, there is no deadline for filing a motion for reconsideration up until the point that a final order has been entered. 

A petition for rehearing is in part, a way to (politely) tell the divorce court judge “you messed up- please fix your decision now so that this issue does not have to be appealed”.

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