Difference of petition for rehearing & motion for reconsideration?

In substance, there is no real difference, however there are different rules for when these must be filed by. Learn more about this at our website.

How is a petition for rehearing different than a motion for reconsideration?

In substance, there is no real difference.  A petition for rehearing is filed for purposes of convincing the divorce court judge to change a final order.  A motion for reconsideration is filed for purposes of convincing a divorce court judge to change a non-final order.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, a petition for rehearing must be filed within fifteen days of rendition of a final order, whereas a motion for reconsideration can be filed at any time before entry of a final order.  Click here for more information on the meaning of “rendition”.  [Note: Link “here” in the last sentence to the webpage explaining Rendition.]

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